Sunday 6 September 2015

I got organised!

The words at The Sunday Whirl are - organs tower money poor pond friends cell DNA teeth bridge signal and skirt.  


I’m not exactly poor, but I didn’t want to use any of my saved-up money buying an electric organ until I’d practiced on something more modestly priced. After all, I wasn’t sure if my DNA was blessed with any crotchety or quavery cells, so I got a mouth organ instead.

I thought it wise to have my first practice away from civilisation so I went to my parents garden (I’m not suggesting my folk aren't civilised!) and sat under the little bridge that goes over their pond (or ‘towers over the lake’ as my mother would say!) and I tried playing scales to the fish.

Initially, the odd sensation set my teeth on edge but I soon overcame it and in no time at all loads of tunes were almost recognisable.

In retrospect I think my friends wanted a laugh at my expense when they suggested I should carry out my first public performance in the park. It seemed like a good idea to me.

I got the signal from Josie when people were approaching and off I went (I soon stopped when a gust of wind took  control of my skirt and I realised I was showing off  more than just my musical prowess!) Well, I have to admit it wasn’t a great success. 

How difficult are the bagpipes?


  1. Really like this. My Mother played the mouth organ, but I never grasped that process. The guitar was far more attractive and willing to participate. Thanks for the smiles and the memories,


    1. I think I'm better at sucking and blowing than fingering and strumming! Each to her own...

  2. But, ha, success is relative anyway, isn't it??

    1. Exactement non ami (Shouldn't have had that croissant for breakfast!)

  3. If you had fun, I'd say it was a success, Rosey.
