Saturday 6 June 2015

Tea for two de dum de dum

Our word at Sunday Scribbling 2 is Teacups!

I’ve got a musical ear. Really! Actually, that should be musical ears, plural. I mean, you don’t have just one ear that’s musical do you? – unless you are audibly-challenged one side! So, I’ve got musical ears and I don’t mean I’m listening to my iPod through headphones!

Apparently I’m almost ‘pitch perfect’ (and I throw a mean ball too, but that’s another story!) Name any note, A to G, and I’ll sing it for you. It’s my party piece at the pub especially when there is a pianist in the house to prove I'm right.

So what has this to do with tea cups I hear you ask? Well, my friend Keith’s daughter Penny collects vintage tea cups, and when she was showing them to me recently I noticed that when they touched each other they each pinged a different note. It occurred to me that if I could find eight different sounding ones I’d have an octave and a very unusual musical instrument. So I did and I have!

Well, the talent contest was coming up at our local, The Bicycle Arms and I thought ‘just the job’! It was last week actually, so I went along armed with my eight assorted teacups and one silver tea spoon.

When my turn came I arranged my instrument on the table and started to play and sing...guess what? Yep, Tea for Two!

Well, everyone joined in, so I played it again. Now this time when I sang the bit that goes ‘Imagine you upon my knee’,  out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a very fanciable young man tapping his thigh as if inviting me to sit on his knee! Sadly, my euphoria was short lived when I realised he was actually trying to swat a fly. Hey-ho.

Anyway, I didn’t win. That honour went yet again to Victor the Vent who takes off one of his socks and uses it as a ventriloquist’s dummy. A bit cheesy if you ask me! However, I did come second. How about that?

Sadly in my enthusiasm, during my third encore I tapped one of the cups a little too hard and the handle came off! For goodness sake don’t tell Penny!


  1. Oh dear dear Rosey you're always a winner in our eyes...would you like to come to tea...Alice harrumphed that figured out that you have musical ears not ear....see, you're smart and funny too!

  2. Fancy letting a dummy like that beat you! I would have socked him.

  3. I have a son who has perfect pitch as well. He knew the note on the microwave as soon as he learned note names.

    What a cute little story!

    cd from Sunday Scribblings 2

    ps loved the puns with Old Egg

    1. That's amazing! I'll try it next time I heat a meal! As for Eggy, you can always rely on him to come up with a yolk!

    2. Thanks for stopping by. BTW, I almost picked that pretty picture for my prompt. Would have been a very different story.
